What LPs Wish GPs Knew According To One Of The Best LPs In The Industry, Beezer Clarkson of Sapphire Partners

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July 1, 2021

Understanding the World of Venture Capital with Beezer Clarkson: Insights and Innovations

What Is Sapphire Partners and How Does It Operate?

Beezer Clarkson's Background and Sapphire Partners Overview

Beezer Clarkson is a partner at Sapphire Partners, a division of Sapphire Ventures, one of Silicon Valley's leading firms managing around $7 billion in capital. Sapphire Ventures operates in two main areas: investing directly in companies and investing in venture funds as a limited partner (LP). Through Sapphire, Beezer has been instrumental in launching OpenLP, a website that educates venture capitalists on LP perspectives.

How Does Sapphire Manage Its Investments?

Three Distinct Investment Activities

Sapphire Partners focuses on three distinct investment activities, each managed by separate pools of capital and teams. These include:

  1. Direct Investments: The growth fund team focuses on post-product market fit companies, typically at Series B or later stages.
  2. Sapphire Sport: This fund targets early-stage investments at the intersection of media, technology, and sports.
  3. Limited Partner Investments: Beezer's division, Sapphire Partners, invests in other venture funds.

How Is Sapphire's Capital Distributed?

Understanding Capital Deployment

Sapphire manages its capital across these three investment activities. The growth fund operates a $1.5 billion vehicle, capable of writing checks up to $75-$100 million. Sapphire Sport is a newer, smaller fund with an initial size of around $110 million.

What Sets Sapphire Partners Apart?

Unique Structure and Evergreen Fund

Sapphire Partners is unique due to its evergreen fund structure, allowing for permanent capital recycling. This structure means proceeds from investments are used to fund future commitments, ensuring continuous deployment without the need for periodic fundraising.

Who Funds Sapphire Partners?

Single Source of Capital and Evergreen Structure

Sapphire Partners receives its capital from a single source, SAP, a large enterprise software company. This evergreen structure allows the firm to sustain itself through reinvested proceeds, reducing dependency on external fundraising.

What Are the Challenges of Managing an Evergreen Fund?

Balancing Inflows and Outflows

Managing an evergreen fund requires careful planning and modeling to ensure liquidity for future investments. The key is maintaining a consistent deployment rate, approximately $125 million per year, to balance the inflows from exits and outflows for new commitments.

What Is the Profile of Funds Sapphire Invests In?

Return Expectations and Fund Types

Sapphire underwrites Series A funds to a 3x net return and seed funds to a 5x net return. This underwriting process includes quantitative analysis, references, and understanding the market to evaluate potential investments.

How Does Sapphire Evaluate Potential Investments?

Investment Strategy and Market Understanding

Sapphire's evaluation process involves understanding the investment strategy, market potential, and the team's track record. The goal is to ensure alignment with Sapphire's return expectations and strategic focus.


What Is an Evergreen Fund?

An evergreen fund is a type of investment fund that recycles its proceeds into future investments, providing a sustainable source of capital without the need for periodic fundraising.

How Does Sapphire's LP Structure Benefit Investors?

Sapphire's LP structure provides permanent capital, allowing for continuous investment opportunities and reducing the pressure of raising new funds.

What Is the Role of SAP in Sapphire Partners?

SAP provides the initial and ongoing capital for Sapphire Partners, enabling its evergreen structure and supporting long-term investment strategies.

How Does Sapphire Ensure Consistent Capital Deployment?

Sapphire maintains a consistent deployment rate of around $125 million per year, balancing the inflows from exits with the outflows for new commitments to ensure sustainability.

What Are the Return Expectations for Sapphire's Investments?

Sapphire underwrites Series A funds to a 3x net return and seed funds to a 5x net return, aiming for substantial growth and profitability.

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